No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

August 7, 2020

Posted By on August 7, 2020

Day 31 of the Cautionary Tale.

I wrote April before I wrote August. Bad enough to lose days but months?

It has been 144 days since the Governor of New York put in place the stay at home order.

In that time, we have learned a lot about the virus and ourselves.

We have learned to be social animals at a distance or rather a majority of us have. There is a percentage that has decided their comfort and fun are not worth our lives or the lives of their loved ones.

There is a PSA that I think was shown in I believe Brazil, but I could be wrong. Where they ask a man on the street why he isn’t wearing a mask. He gave some excuses of why. They give him some statistics based on a positive person with no mask and how many people they would infect. He shrugs as if it is not his problem. Then around the corner comes a large group of people that he is related to or are his friends. He is visibly shaken. Then the intervener says, “How about now?”

There is a tree service coming to take down the limb that is blocking our backdoor. It was supposed to happen today but they have to get a tree out of a house, so we are slated for tomorrow. 

(For the VI: This is the back of our house. There is a large limb from an oak on our roof and porch blocking the backdoor)

It is leaning on the house and porch. There does not look like there is any damage to the house or porch.

The village came by and picked up the first round of limbs and leaves that we put out. There will be more.

I am playing room TETRIS in my head figuring out where I am going to put things temporarily until I get the next step done.

We watched the last episode of season two of Doom Patrol. I am really hoping there is a season three because that end was the kind of cliffhanger that will give you nightmares.

Is anyone else watching Don’t? It is an okay game show, but the narration of Ryan Reynolds just kicks it up to comic gold.

I am grateful for clear vision.


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