No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Requiescat in pace Susan Ellison

Posted By on August 4, 2020

This is not an entry I expected to write this year but apparently 2020 was not done with us yet.

Yesterday afternoon Peter received a call from Sharon who was Harlan and Susan’s assistant. She informed Peter of Susan’s passing. 

They are not sure when Susan passed but it was probably sometime Saturday. Sharon found her on Monday when she went to the house and Susan was not up and about. She went into the bedroom and found Susan.

The first time I met Susan was at DragonCon where the glass half empty incident happened. 

The next time was at the first I-Con I attended. It was also the first convention that Peter and I went to as boyfriend/girlfriend. 

We went to have dinner with Harlan and Susan before the convention started. I knew I was under scrutiny. The Ellisons were very protective of their friend Peter. He was going through a nasty divorce. They knew that we met at a convention. I think they were worried that I was with Peter because of his fame and I might be a gold digger.

That I had a life before Peter I think put them a little more at ease. 

Susan was always polite to me but she kept me at a bit of a distance. I couldn’t tell if Susan was being British or she was concerned for Peter’s wellbeing.

That changed at MadMedia 5. We were on our way to the convention and I found a Space Cases jacket on a table next to the elevator. I knew we had ours, so I figured it was Harlan or Susan’s jacket. I picked it up and brought it to Susan telling her where I found it. She was so grateful for that. It broke the ice and I got to talk to her as Susan rather than Susan Ellison wife to Harlan. That, I think, was when we became friends.

After that when we were all at conventions Susan and I made time to catch up. We had similar roles in our husbands lives at conventions so we understood what each other was going through.

A couple of years later Peter injured his back and was in screaming agony. He was scheduled for surgery and was on various narcotics for pain that they kept changing and upping because he was in serious pain.

They put him on Morphine which didn’t do much for the pain, but he said it made him not care about it. I was in the kitchen when I heard Peter talking on the phone. He called me into the living room and said that Harlan wanted to talk to me. 

I got on the phone and Harlan asked me what the hëll was he on and what happened. I explained what was going on and he shouted for Susan to get on the extension. Susan had back problems and understood what Peter was going through. She gave me sound advice for how to help him. When my back went out, she did the same for me.

After Peter’s stroke both Harlan and Susan would check in with me both for news about Peter and how I was doing. After Harlan had his stroke, I did the same for Susan. I gave her carte blanc to call up and just scream if she needed to. As a caretaker, I understood what she was going through.

The last time I saw her in person was the last time I saw Harlan. Various people were talking to Harlan. He asked to talk to Caroline without the crowd, so I went into the kitchen nook and Susan sat down across from me with a bottle of wine and two glass and we talked. Others bounced in and out of the conversation, but we had a heart to heart about all that was going on.

Susan was Peter’s standing date for LA events if I could not attend. Peter took her to a taping of the Big Bang Theory, the Aquaman premier, and the Captain Marvel premier among others. 

Earlier this year we couldn’t get in touch with her. Considering that California was a COVID 19 hot spot, Shana was worried as were we. Peter got in touch with our mutual friend Patton who tried to get in touch with her. He ended up driving over to Susan’s house to check on her. She was fine but had been having some phone issues. He sent a photo to Peter for proof of life.

Susan was a good person. She was kind and would bend over backwards to help her friends when her back was in shape.

I treasure my friendship with her. I treasure how much love they had between them. I loved seeing Susan with her guard down look so lovingly at her husband. 

She was my friend and I will miss her a lot.

Harlan and Susan black and white photo

(for the VI: This is a black and white photo of Harlan seated with Susan standing behind him with her arms around Harlan. Harlan has his left hand wrapped around her left wrist and his right hand stroking her right arm.)

Harlan and Susan color photo in front of the vault

(For the VI: This is Harlan on the right and Susan on the left. They are in front of a metallic door with gears and spirals on it. Susan is looking up and smiling. She is wearing a brown jacket. Harlan is on the right with his right arm on her shoulder. He has his head tucked into her shoulder. He is wearing an orange sweater and his left hand on her hear)

This was the photo Patton took and sent to Peter as proof of life.

(For the VI: This is the front entrance to Ellison Wonderland. Susan is standing in the door smiling and waving.)

I am grateful for my friendship with Susan.


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