No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Onto to the next thing

Posted By on August 2, 2020

The Dining Room project is basically done which fills me with more joy that I can express. 

The cats are confused by all the clear space and that they can get onto the table. 

I had a thought I wanted to put here but it vanished as I looked outside.

I am keeping an eye on the weather for the next couple of days. I do plan to bring in anything that that might fly around if we get heavy winds.

Anyone in the path of Isaias, please be careful. It could be nasty.

I have a couple of things I need to do today and then I am giving myself some free time. 

Tomorrow I go back to that which needs to be done.

It is nice to get a project done. The feeling of accomplishment makes me happy.

I have some ideas I want to try out in the stuff animal and doll area along with a puppet I want to build. Along with finishing some UFOs.

Peter finished his latest novel “Schleper the Leper” and I am going to read it now. I love that I get first crack at what one of my favorite authors writes. Yes, he was one of my favorite authors before we met.

Peter got me a great anniversary present that showed up yesterday. 

This is a prop from one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who entitled the Runaway Bride. It was a Christmas episode that introduced Donna Noble.

(For the VI: This is a fake 10 pound note. It is orange and brown. At the top middle of the note it says “London Credit Bank I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of TEN satsumas. The upper corners have the Number 10. On the right side in blue is a tiny TARDIS under that in script “No Second Chances. I’m not that sort of man” below that is a gold <> with the letter DT within. In the middle there is an oval area of strips with the words “Not legal tender written around it. Next to that is a very nice rendering of David Tennant as the Doctor. At the bottom is copyright BBC CYMRU WALES.)

Oh yeah, the haircut. I did not get a before photo and the last one of me was taken back in April. However, I do have a photo post cut of the floor to give you an idea how much weight came off my head.

(For the VI: This is a photo of a stone floor covered in brown, grey and white hair that was cut from my head)

The result

(For the VI: It is me with short hair which seems to highlight the various colors that make up my hair including white, grey, brown, and a little red.)

I like it. My head feels much lighter.

I am grateful for all the cautions that they took at Studio 80 to make sure we were all safe while I got my hair cut.


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