No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Thursday Day 23 of a Cautionary Tale

Posted By on July 30, 2020

Today Caroline is meeting up with her Art club at a safe distance. They have picked a spot that they can sit without being in the sun but can be six feet apart.

They are figuring out how they can see each other and keep distance.

Yesterday I went to talk to a bartender I know while Caroline was getting her hair cut. I picked my spot carefully to make sure I was distanced from everyone. About the time I was leaving three people entered and plopped down right next to me.

The leader of the group was one of those pretty young things that thinks that they are god’s gift to the world. She also had her mask under her nose. The seconded her butt hit the seat the mask was off and she complained about having to wear a mask and she didn’t see why she should since the virus would not be bad for her.

The bartender came over and informed them they could not sit there because of social distancing rules.

She looked like she was going to start to argue but thought better and move herself and her party to another part of the bar complaining all the way. She also got upset because the rules state that you have to buy food if you are drinking at the bar.

I elbow bumped my friend and went to get Caroline.

(For the VI: This is Caroline and her new haircut. She is wearing a black t-shirt with a moon and the Dragon Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. There is a brown cloth strap across her chest. She is smiling. Her hair is cut into a bob and had soft curly tendrils hanging down. Her hair is brown with red highlights.)

She loved it. It is her first haircut since February.

This is how her hair was before the haircut. If it was down it fell to her midback.

(For the VI: This is Caroline walking. The photograph shows her back. She is wearing black shorts and a black and cream striped top. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail and the length is hitting about high midback.)

Today is a day of putting things where they need to go. That should take most of the day and part of the night.

Tomorrow I finish up the living room and ger ready to teach a sewing class.

I am grateful for the caution at hairsalons.


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