No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check-In: Sometimes You are the Windshield

Posted By on July 27, 2020

And Sometimes You are the Bug.

This week has been one of those weeks of highs and lows that make one wish for quiet and evenness.

We ended up back in neutral waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Last night Caroline and I took our evening constitutional. It was hot with a warm breeze, but it was walkable. On the way back I crashed into a bug and I felt a sharp pain as it flew into my eye. I wiped it off and thought nothing more of it.

Today the lower lid is swollen. I can see where it stung me. It hurts to blink. The eye is constantly tearing which makes it hard to see.

I did wake up thinking positive. I have a plan of attack and now I will execute it.

I do feel like Sisyphus right now. And that bolder keeps getting heavier. 

If I can get done what I want to get done, then I will be in good shape for August. 

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now I have to walk through the tunnel.

Overall, I am at peace with the next couple of months. I know what I need to do and I can do it.

I do worry for my family and friends who are in the hotspots.

I ask that you wear your mask and be safe. Also avoid bugs flying into your eye. It hurts like stink.

I am grateful for that light because I know it is not the oncoming train.


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