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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Self Roadblocks

Posted By on July 21, 2020

I am a creative being. Always have been. I think through ideas and execute them.

I was a storyteller from a young age.

When I was a child, I would play these elaborate games that we called junk games where we would create a place and then play out the story.

I have noticed recently some self-sabotage on my part. In trying to correct that, I have made the situation a little worse.

I have to get through one project before I can even look at the next one and that one is huge. 

I have given myself until the weekend to get this done. It will take a lot of work, but I think I can do it. 

As long as my body allows me to continue. I am being careful and stretching but I have to recognize my limits rather than push through.

I am grateful for what I have gotten done so far.


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