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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check In Posturing

Posted By on July 20, 2020

When Caroline and I walk, we try to do so with good posture. Head up and arms back with spine floating over the hips. We did it to try to relieve the stress we are putting on our bodies, especially our necks, over the day. It is something we did.

What I am finding is that posture can help mental health. I have read several articles about how bad posture can impact your mental state. 

And we, as a country, have poor posture. I think it is because we spend so much time on electronics which causes us to bend our necks thus putting additional pressure on our necks and spines. 

There have been a number of studies done on posture and how it effects one mentally. That hunched over we look in a defensive/defeated posture but standing up straight gives an aura of power and confidence. 

It also opens up the lungs and allows us to breath freely. Hunching over not only cuts into lung capacity, it also put your diaphragm in a bad position. More oxygen to the brain can help your mood a lot.

Standing up straight can improve your response to stress.

Good posture has to be worked for. You are exercising your body to retrain it to stand up straight. 

I plan to make a record of my posture this week to see where I am. I will focus on my posture and see how it makes me feel.

I am grateful for good posture.


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