No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I am a Sports Widow this weekend

Posted By on July 19, 2020

Peter has only two sports he is truly a fan of. They are bowling and baseball. 

This weekend for the first time in a long time, he has both.

The PBA is showing nine hours of bowling over two days.

The Mets are playing the Yankees in two pre-season games. 

You can guess what Peter is doing this weekend. I don’t mind at all because he is so happy to see live sports again. Also, I like bowling and baseball too.

I have no idea what live sports I will see this the rest of the year. I have heard the plans and the controversy of each of the plans. I think some of these sports will be back this year and some next year. I can wait until it is safe.

I think colleges should just shut it down for a year. I dunno. Maybe just be houses of higher learning? I do know that some colleges are using the pandemic to get rid of sports they think are under performing. Title Nine is taking a true beating and when the dust is settled there will be fewer scholarship opportunities for female athletes. 

It might be good for universities and colleges to figure out how they might survive without sports. Football controls a number of campuses to where they are football with a college attached. I think that needs to go away. Emory has not had a football team ever and they are doing just fine. We do have sports, but they do not overshadow the academics. 

As to the professional sports leagues, the owners need to pay the players because it is not their fault they cannot play. The minor league players really need to be paid because they make peanuts. In the NFL there are some big money makers, but the average salary of an NFL player is not in the millions. Pay the players so they can be ready for the next season. Same for the NBA.

Sports are part of our culture and it is nice to get them back in our lives even with limitations. 

I am grateful that Peter can see the sports he loves again.


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