No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Masks

Posted By on July 14, 2020

One of the many skills I have picked up over the years is mask making.

I had the good luck to learn leather mask making from an artist who learned in Italy to make leather comedia del arte masks. He did the masks for Hecuba at Theatre Emory. It was quite the education.

Since then I have learned a number of methods for making masks. My favorite is papier-mâché off of a clay sculpt.

I have done a number of these over the years for various projects.

The first example is a little smushed. It was a cat mask for a show I did a show I did off off off Broadway.

(For the VI: This is a pink cat mask with wire whiskers.)

Caroline fell in love with the character Cheshire from Young Justice after meeting Kelly Hu at a recording session of the show. She wanted to do the character for Halloween.

(For the VI: This is the Cheshire Mask on the wall. It has a black wig attached to it. It is a white mask done in a Japanese mask style with a large grin and red accents on the forehead and cheeks)

(For the VI: This is Caroline wearing the mask. She has on black body suit and a green pseudo kimono with a green sash.)

It was fun to make and she got a lot of compliments from everyone.

Another Halloween costume we did was one of the weird sisters from Kubo and the Two Strings.

(For the VI: This is the Weird Sister mask. It is white with red lips, black eyeliner and eye brows)

The mask was easy. The cape is made of paper feathers and that was a pain.

(For the VI: This is Caroline in her Weird Sister costume. She is wearing a stove pipe hat with a bronze symbol at the top, the mask, a chest plate which is purple with the same bronze symbol as the hat, a black paper feathered cape, and black boots)

I am thinking of getting back into mask making as I have some stylist ideas for interesting masks.

I am grateful for all the people who taught me how to make masks


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