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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check-In Tired

Posted By on July 13, 2020

Day 6 of the Cautionary Tale aka July 13, 2020

There is good tired and bad tired and this past week I have encountered both.

I am tired of people thinking if they wear their mask below their nose, they are following the rules. 

I am tired of people on the Internet asking why they should wear a mask and if they are given a reason they believe in, they will. But they won’t because they know better even given a mountain of scientific evidence because they just know. All they are looking for is some fun getting another people angry. 

I have hit the point where I want people to wear their dámņ masks and No, I am not going to give you an explanation of why you must wear one or why I wear one.

We have been working on the next big cleaning project. There is progress and there is more progress than it looks because we are in that funny sorting phase where everything is everywhere before it gets put back in order. I have it worked out in my head. Now to execute.

Doing this project is a good tired to me. Moving things around is physically tiring but I know this is positive movement. Plus, it is an arm work out.

Mentally I have be feeling tired about the world around me. I have been keeping up with the news which may be my mistake. I am very frustrated with selfish people who think their comfort is more important than someone’s life. This is not normal and we cannot think of this as normal.

I am doing things to give me that good tired feeling like exercising rather than dwelling on the bad tired feeling of what I cannot control.

I am grateful for the good tired.


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