No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Day 5 of a Cautionary Tale

Posted By on July 12, 2020

Since we have entered Phase four, we have entered new territory and I am changed the name and the count again.

Yesterday was productive and I hope today will be too. 

We should be at Shoreleave right now but we are not. So I am going to continue to show off some past costumes we have done.

Today’s Entry is Pilates of the Caribbean or Pirates vs. Ninjas.

Shoreleave has a tradition that at the Masquerade we have the Shoreleave Ninjas. They are the onstage crew that place and picks up props and stuff on stage along with helping the contestants.

They are also game to be part of the action. We came up with the idea of Pilates of the Caribbean where Tia Dama was controlling the pirates through a voodoo doll and making them do Pilates. The Ninjas came out to laugh at the pirates. The pirates tell the Ninjas to run. Tia Dama then pulls out a Ninja voodoo doll and makes the Ninjas join in. This was all done to the Scissor Sisters song “Voodoo Child”. 

(For the VI: This is the Pirate half of the sketch. From left to right. Me wearing a red bandana and a black beard. I have on a grey pirate coat with a white shirt, red pattern vest and green sash. I am bend to my right with my hands over my head. Ariel is in the back middle wearing a poufy white shirt and grey vest. Maria is on the right holding the voodoo dolls with a very stylized costume based on the Character Tia Dama from Pirates of the Caribbean. She has a brown shawl, white skirt and a beaded corset.)

This is probably one of my favorite photos of Caroline ever. I love how she is looking towards the Pirate doll.

(For the VI Caroline is wearing a white shirt and a blue jacket with a red vest with pirate flags on it. She has a Ninja doll in her right hand and a Pirate doll in her left hand.)

It was a fun evening. We won most humorous.

We did have one for this year, but we will table it until next year unless we come up with something better.

I am grateful for all the Masquerades I have entered.


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