No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI The Estate Sale Edition

Posted By on July 11, 2020

Today is the last day of the estate sale at my former childhood home. You can find more information at . There is a lot of good solid furniture for sale along with artwork and a number of Palisade Muppet figures still in the boxes. 

Today Bad Úš Moms is on sale. Peter and I have stories in it along with a lot of other splendid authors. More information can be found There are physical copies as well available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 

This weekend should have been Shoreleave. There is a virtual version this weekend which can be found

And in honor of Shoreleave, I give you Caroline as Astrid from How to Train Your Dragon from the 2010 Shoreleave Masquerade. 

(For the VI: This is 7-year old Caroline as Astrid. In her right hand she is holding a large double-bladed ax with a leather wrapped handle and in her left a shield with a dragon on it. She is wearing boots with furry tops, black pants, a brown leather skirt with grey spikes on it, a belt with skulls along it, a blue tunic and hand wraps, armor should pads with spikes and skulls on them and a brown leather headband with spikes.)

We revamped the outfit to the newer version that she wore at the Renfair four years later.

(For the VI: This is 11 year old Caroline in her revised Astrid outfit. She has her ax in her right hand. The changes from the previous outfit are a red rather than blue tunic, a grey furry hood, leather wrist guards, and revised furry boots.)

Yesterday’s storm moved to the west and we got hit with the bands of the storm rather than the full-on storm. We had some serious wind and rain but it was in waves with sunshine in between which allowed the previous water to drain before the next one. We did walk down to the local park before the next wave of the storm.

(For the VI: We are looking south towards Fire Island. The water is very choppy with white caps created by the strong wind. The boats docked at the local dock to the right are being buffeted by the waves.)

Today I have my projects planned out. I just need to start and keep going.

The cats are chilling after a serious pecking order challenge. Fig won of course. 

I am grateful for Shoreleave and all the adventures I had there and will have there in the future.


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