No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

A bit of normalcy in the uncertainty

Posted By on July 8, 2020

Day 42 of the Reopening Epic Wednesday July 8th, 2020

Yesterday my friends Karen and Laura came out to my neck of the woods and we had lunch together following all the guidelines. It was wonderful to meet up with them and talk face to face about all kinds of subjects. It felt normal.

This morning I awoke with Phoebe wrapped around my leg. It was comforting.

I feel scatterbrained today. It took me a number of tries to just get coffee. I set it up and forgot to turn it on. I got my cup set up but didn’t pour the coffee. I poured my coffee and then forgot to bring it into the living room. 

Today we enter Phase four of the reopening. There are a number of places that are still closed, and we don’t have the timetable for them. 

Apparently, a lot of the new cases on Long Island can be traced to people who left the area and then came back or came into the area from outside Long Island. So, we did the right thing, but others are possibly screwing up it up for us. Which seems to be the new normal. Selfish people are making this so much harder.

We finally got around to watching Doom Patrol which is very heavily based on Grant Morrison’s version of the characters. We have almost finished the first season and they are keeping to the main story that Grant wrote. I am sad that Alan Tudyk was not nominated for an Emmy because his performance of Mr. Nobody was a worthy performance. I loved that they brought Danny the Street into the mix. 

Today is already hot with very little breeze and a lot of cloud cover and high humidity. It feels like summer but that part of summer I really don’t like.

Dragon Con is postponed until next year. I am sad but I do understand that it needs to be done to keep people safe. Peter had made the decision not to go due to his high-risk factors. Caroline and I toyed with the idea but decided that it would not be prudent. 

So, the next convention on our possible list is NYCC in October with Anime NYC another possibly in November. GalaxyCon in December is another we are slated to attended. It might be the year without conventions for us along with the first year since Peter and I got together that we are not going to a Disney property. 

But slowly we are getting back to the new normal which is good.

I am grateful for lunch with friends.


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