No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I should be going to Canada today

Posted By on July 2, 2020

Day 36 of the Reopening Epic aka Thursday July 2, 2020

This weekend we should be in Canada at the convention, but we are not.

I should be getting ready for Shoreleave but I am not.

Conventions for us are a large part of our year. 

They are an additional source of income for the family. 

They are our social life where we can get together with friends and family and be among our people. 

They give us feedback. Writing is a very isolated profession. You sit down and write a story then hope that others enjoy it as much as you do. Conventions give you a chance to find out what you wrote meant to others.

I have a number of friends who make a majority of their income at conventions. This has been a rough time for them and there is no really end or rather restart in sight. They are muddling along but it is getting dire for them.

I have other friends who earn their living performing. Right now they are wondering when they will be able to do so again.

The arts have been hit very hard in all this. 

Producing entertainment has come to a halt. 

Musicians are working on new music but cannot produce it.

Yes, we are finding ways to get our work out there. But it does not make up for the income we are losing because of the current situation.

I miss the convention portion of our lives a lot for many reasons.

I am grateful for virtual convention gatherings.


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