No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday The Next Generation

Posted By on June 30, 2020

Day 35 of the Reopening Epic

In a year Caroline will be getting ready to go to college.

We decided that in that year I would teach Caroline various life skills that she can use like cooking.

She wants to be able to create clothing for her along with costumes so I can pass that baton onto her.

Trying to teach someone how to do something can be challenging.

I hadn’t realized how much of what I cook of dishes I created is based on the premise that I know what my measurements should look like but couldn’t tell you exactly how I do it.

It is sort of like baking and certain types of breads that your grandmother could make but they could not tell you how much flour they used when they folded the dough. They just knew having done it over time.

I am finding that about sewing as well. I have created little tricks to help me get things right. Trying to explain it is much harder. When the question comes up, “Why do you do that?” the answer, “Because it works for me” doesn’t help. I have to go back and figure out how to explain it to Caroline. I want her to have the basic skills down so she can create her own tricks.

I have gotten better about explaining how I make puppets. That is because I have done it enough times now and I have distilled it down to what is important to impart.

Teaching is something I enjoy doing. I enjoy giving others the information so I can see what they can do with it.

Teaching Caroline is an education in itself. I am learning more about giving instructions that make sense to others rather than just me. It makes me a better instructor.

I am looking forward to what else I can teach her.

I am grateful for opportunities to pass on what I know.


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