No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check in Day 34 of the Reopening Epic

Posted By on June 29, 2020

I woke up as the sun started to rise this morning. I know my body well enough to know that I was not going back to sleep. I got up and started my day.

My signal to noise ratio this past week was not great. Signal-to-noise ratio is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. When the background noise is overwhelming, it can be hard to get the signal to punch through.

And there has been a lot of background noise this week in my life.

I feel like a Yo-yo of emotions with things changing really fast. Caroline has been in the same situation this past week. Even was not a word I would use right now.

Clarity of mind is precious. It allows for rational decisions to be make and let’s one see the path before them. There have been times in my life that I know beyond any doubt that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and where I need to be at that moment. Right now, I know I am where I need to be, but the doing is a little more ephemeral.

Strangely I feel that I need to slow down and catch up with my brain. Too much going on in the noggin.

This morning I have a plan of attack for the day. Now I need to execute it. 

I also have a plan for my mental health. I have to remind myself it is okay to slow down and get my brain under control. It is not a weakness. 

I hope this week is better than last week for my mental health. 

But I know I will muddle on and get to the next thing.

I am grateful for clarity.


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