No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Thrilling Thursday Day 30 of the Reopening Epic

Posted By on June 25, 2020

We have been working on reopening for a month now. I think the way we are doing this is the right way. So far, knock on wood, we have kept the numbers where they need to be to continue the reopening.

When we enter phase four it will not be back to the previous normal but the new normal until we have a vaccine and can congregate safely.

We are going to have baseball finally. I know Peter is looking forward to seeing a game again.

I had a weird dream last night a gothic/Victorian house with a mystery that had to be solved. All I can remember is the last thing I heard which was “At least the frogs are happy”. 

The next paper recycling day is going to be a doozy. 

I have a plan of attack for the cleaning project. So, we are going from a mess to organized after making a bit more of a mess. That’s how things work. I have to tear down before I can rebuild.

Mentally I am not in the best place. I am working on getting to a better place, but it is hard right now. And that is okay. Not every day is going to be rainbows and sunshine. I am happy if I can get out of bed and get things done even at a slower place. 

Caroline is sorting out her daily routine. It is a little at loose ends for her because she doesn’t have the structure of school to put around her day.

Peter has to go see one of his doctors this morning. His mask is ready to go along with hand sanitizer. These visits are the ones that concern me the most.

Last night Peter participated in a performance of MacBeth: Death by Fluffy Kittens which will be up later this week for everyone’s amusement.

This weekend Peter is joining a bunch of my friends in a reading of Trouble with Tribbles. He is Scotty. I need to find him a red shirt.

I am grateful for plans that work.


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