No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Caroline’s Lovely Smile

Posted By on June 24, 2020

Day 29 of the Reopening Epic aka Wednesday June 24, 2020

Today we begin phase three of the Reopening Epic here on Long Island which includes indoor dining and other closes up businesses. If we can stay low for another two weeks, I get my gym back.

Yesterday Caroline finished her course of Invisalign mouthpieces and had graduated to a retainer at night. For the past two years she followed the instructions to the letter. She stoically turned the screw in the medieval torture device they inserted to expand her jaw to fit her teeth. She went from snaggle tooth to straight and is now chewing properly on all her teeth rather than on one side of her mouth. I am very proud of her and all her hard work.

We did get a number of smaller projects off our plate. I need to finish laundry and sort through some things we put to the side to sort from yesterday.

It gives us a good starting point for today.

We did take a walk yesterday while it was cloudy, so it was not that bad. Once it became sunny, you could feel the humidity. Today we are figuring out a good time to get out and walk.

I am grateful for more places to go at a safe distance.


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