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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Father’s Day 2020

Posted By on June 21, 2020

June 21, 2020 aka Day 26 of the Reopening Epic

To all the Dads, Fathers, Grandfathers, Stepdads, and Father Figures, hope you have a lovely day.

Father’s Day has been celebrated in the United States on the third Sunday of June for a hundred and ten years.

My husband loves his children very much and they know it. He is willing to help them if they want help. He loves them even when there are occasional strains on his relationship with them. He worries about them. He is so proud of all that they have achieved. 

I can substitute the word father for husband in the above paragraph and it would be true about my father.

They say that women look for men like their fathers for husbands. I wasn’t looking but here we are. 

Fatherhood is the hardest job one will ever love.

Children do not come with instruction books, so you make it up as you go along.

My parents made the conscious decision that what worked for one kid might not work for another. Their reward system was fitted to their children. Peter and I do the same.

My father loved sharing things he found interesting with us and we would share what we found interesting with him. He would give it a go but not everything we liked, he liked and vice versa. But we all gave it a try.

Peter is very honest with his daughters about their creative work. If asked his opinion, he gives it honestly. Caroline knows if she shows him a drawing and he says that it is very good, it is not just lip service. This goes for her writing as well. She values his opinion because she knows it is how he really thinks about her work.

Being a father is a learning process. No one is born knowing how to be a parent. How one rises to the challenge says what sort of father one will be. I have watched people I know meet that challenge and be amazing dads.

I am grateful for the fathers in my life.


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