No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Solstice 2020

Posted By on June 20, 2020

June 20, 2020 aka Saturday

Day 24 of the Reopening Saga

Today is the longest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere and shortest day of the year for the Southern Hemisphere.

For those who celebrate this day, I hope you have an amazing day.

Caroline is now official a Senior in High School. Yesterday was the last day of classes and she now has her summer in front of her.

Yesterday was run around and get errands done. We succeeded in most of it. There is one more place I need to go. Caroline and I are going to walk there today for our daily walk. 

I have a million things running through my brain. I need to slow it down a bit and figure out what the rest of the day is going to be.

The cats are sorting out the pecking order again. Current Alpha cat Figaro still holds the title. Now it is down to the lower rankings. Inky is indifferent if they leave her alone. Mewlan and Phoebe are trading their slots. There has been a lot of running around and pouncing.

(For the VI: This is a drawing by Sandra Boyton. In the middle is a globe. Standing on top of the globe is a grey cat. On the bottom is a grey cat wearing a red coat. The text on the top half says “Happy Summer Solstice” and on the bottom half it says “Happy Winter Solstice”. The top half behind the globe is yellow and the bottom half is blue).

I am grateful for cats that amuse me.


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