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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Random Thoughts about Creativity

Posted By on June 16, 2020

Day 21 of the Reopening Epic or June 16, 2020

This past weekend we had a Zoom visit of my friends Art Salon. Ideas were exchanged. We spent a lot of time talking about what happened on Friday and sorting out what we can do to help our friends. One artist was working on her next performance piece, so she gave us the theme and what she was thinking for the piece and the group brainstormed on ideas and expanding the concept. It was so much fun.

Caroline and I are going through slightly older art supplies and sorting through what is still viable and what needs to be tossed. I am hoping to find a few things that have been lost in this. I am missing a set of tools I need for doll making which I want to start again.

I was thinking about all the different types of art I can do. Most of it is 3-D because that is how my brain works. I am going to try to work on drawing again. I want to find a good book on drawing or a visual tutorial since I suck at learning from Videos. But I think I can at least improve my ability to draw what is in my brain.

Too many ideas and too little time. 

This week Caroline and I will be finishing a vest she has been working on for a cosplay she wants to do. She has been working hard and learning as she goes. She wants to get to the point where she can pull out a pattern and make it or draft her own pattern and make it. I know she will surpass me eventually.

We have also started the formal cooking lessons since she is about to go into her Senior year of High School. Tonight, she is making chicken paprika.

I still have a couple of UFO puppets sitting there not staring at me because they don’t have eyes yet, but I still feel some pressure to complete them. I need to earn some money and that is a way I can earn money.

But today is all about cleaning project number two. I have that and a walk planned. 

I find that cleaning helps me clear my mind. I tend to clean more when I am upset or scared. So there has been a lot of cleaning during this pandemic. And cleaning can be very creative. I think that is forgotten. Figuring out how to get things looking good and clean takes some serious thought. I have learned more ways to clean over this period of time and better ways to clean too.

I should probably make a list of puppets I want to get done by September along with a few other projects. I have it in my head, but I think I am forgetting a few things along the way.

For me being creative is as much a part of me as breathing. I might hit a bump in a project, but I can usually work it out in my head. 

I am grateful for cleaning.


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