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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Milestone Birthday to my Sister Sheila

Posted By on June 14, 2020

Today Sheila is celebrating her birthdays that is considered one of the biggies.

Dear Sheila,

Happy Happy Birthday to you!

I am so proud of you for reaching this birthday.

I know that 2020 has been very challenging for you since you are considered essential personal and had to work under conditions that were not great and now are okay at best. But you have managed to make the best of a bad situation. 

You are a creative person with a voice that needs to be heard. I am in awe of your journaling abilities. You have a record of your life that most would be envious of. I encourage you to continue to write and put yourself out there. I believe you will succeed.

I have been going through photos that I took with my camera and there are several of a young you in it. 

I remember when you were born. I was so happy to have a sister. You were a cute toddler with lovely curly hair. You have grown up to be a lovely woman. 

You are smart and intelligent. I always tell people that I am the stupid one in the family as compared to my siblings. Your intellect is sharp and your grades were better than mine in certain subjects. You need to believe in your big brain.

You are loveable. You have the family’s sharp wit and love of puns.

I always enjoyed taking you to conventions and am glad I can bring you to DragonCon. Fandom is something I got to share with you that was important to me and was fun for you. You can hold your own in those late night discussions about everything and the kitchen sink that just happen at conventions.

I love you very much. You are my sister and I believe in you and getting to the next milestone birthday. 

I had fun last night talking to you and your friends. I am looking forward to seeing you tonight at your birthday party.

Hope the day brings you lots of lovely things.



Your Big Sister

I am grateful that Sheila is in my life. 


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