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Kathleen David's weblog

Lovely Looking Weekend

Posted By on June 13, 2020

June 13, 2020 aka Day 18 of the Reopening Epic

I am liking the weather this weekend. The humidity is down as is the temperature. I can see a long walk in my future.

Yesterday was a bit of a wash. Things were done and not done at the same time.

I have had a headache for a couple of days now. It is a low roar one so it is annoying but not something that is stopping me from doing things. I haven’t been taking anything for it because it is not that annoying. I might take some aspirin this morning to calm it down a bit.

All the cats are sleeping and having little hunting dreams, so paws are moving and noses twitching. I wonder if they are hunting together.

Caroline and I have decided that this next year is going to be her learning how to cook for herself and other things that you need to be an independent adult. That and working on her sewing skills so she can start making herself clothes and costumes.

Monday we are going to tackle the next area in our cleaning whirlwind.

I am taking the next two days for me and what I want to do with the usual things that need to be done to keep the house a home.

I am grateful for things that inspire me.


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