No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Friday Night Feels Alright

Posted By on June 12, 2020

June 12, 2020 aka Day 17 of the Reopening Epic

One of the biggest issues for me during the quarantine was my lack of ability to get the notions I need to finish projects. Elastic was impossible so I went through most of my stash. I was running out of basic thread colors like brown and red. My button selection at home is large but there are times I need a certain kind of button that I did not have. Sewing needles had to be used carefully. 

Yesterday I was finally able to go into the fabric store and get those little things that I have been missing. It felt so good that I could do that. I now have the thread I need to finish some projects and new sewing machine needles.

Caroline went with me to find a pattern for a simple skirt which is her next sewing project. She is working on her sewing skills and gets better with each piece she makes.

It felt wonderfully normal with the new things in place to keep us safe. 

And that is giving me hope that we can return to the new normal.

Today is cloudy and foggy so far. Later we are back to sunny and high humidity.  Ah Summer how I have not missed you.

Yesterday I participated in a table read of a short script of a friend’s work set in a universe she created. It was a lot of fun and I hope I can do it again.

Peter will be participating in MacBeth death by fluffy kittens with the Social Distancing Players on June 24th at 7pm. They have a campaign to actually pay the actors including Peter which can be found More on that when we get closer to the show.

I am grateful for fun things to do with my friends that can be done at the proper distance.


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