No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Thursday June 11, 2020

Posted By on June 11, 2020

Day 16 of the Reopening Epic

We went out to dinner last night at one of our favorite restaurants. It was glorious to sit outside and have a meal. I got to catch up with my friends there and everyone made it through this OK. 

It felt normal even with the masks and distance. 

We went to the bowling alley to pick up our winnings for the year. I got the high handicap score for the year which makes me happy. This also got us a little cash in our pockets that we really needed.

Seeing people we haven’t seen in months did make everything feel more normal and gave me good feeling inside.

Gives me hope for the future and that the light at the end of the tunnel is not the on coming train.

It’s like we are sticking our heads out of our fox hole and feeling safe to make the next move.

Retail stores are opening with limited access but that is a good thing. This means I can go into the fabric store and find what I need. I really cannot do this online.

I am grateful for phase 2 and looking forward to phase 3.


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