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Kathleen David's weblog

Day 15 of the Reopening Epic Phase Two Begins

Posted By on June 10, 2020

Wednesday June 10, 2020

Today we enter phase two of reopening and gain places to go that we have not gone to in ages. 

No gyms yet but we can get a haircut again.

We are not entirely sure what is and isn’t open except Malls are not open. 

Outside dining is allowed at social distance. 

It is just a nice feeling to move forward with the new normal.

I think we are going to be feeling our way through this.

If all goes well, then we enter phase three in two weeks.

There are going to be adjustments as this goes on.

But it is a taste of freedom.

I am at a bit of a quandary right now about a couple of things that are going on. Some I have control over and others I do not. I do know I am going to have to make some hard decisions soon. 

Facing reality can really stink and right now I am feeling like it is slapping me in the face.

I do have some fun activities later in the week that I am looking forward to.

Hope you are doing well and being safe.

I am grateful for unexpected funds.


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