No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI I cannot think of a clever title edition

Posted By on June 7, 2020

Day 12 of the Reopening Epic or Sunday June 7, 2020

For those of you just joining the party, RTBTCKI is Random Thoughts Before The Coffee Kicks In.

And my mind is very random this morning. 

Yesterday Caroline and I tackled the closet in the kitchen that had become a bit of a dumping ground. The tipping point was that the cats were trying to get into the closet and stuff was falling on the floor. I finally found my favorite leather work gloves which makes me happy along with some good gardening gloves I thought I had lost.

Today I have no idea what I am going to do. I try to leave Sunday a bit open so I have one day that I do not put pressure on myself to work on my list. I think this will be a finish up day on the bits and pieces that are left over from things I did this week which will really finish up the projects.

Then we get back on the horse and start the next thing on the list.

Tomorrow is Best Friends Day. Told you this would be random.

I have several activities this week to look forward to including a table read of a script a friend wrote. They gave me the role I really wanted. 

I might crank up the sewing machine and finish two smaller puppets that are half -way done and make a couple more masks for people. 

I do want to write some letters today. Real letters not email that I will put a post stamp on and mail. I figure it is my way of helping the post office a little bit. I believe in the post office as it is currently being run. If it gets privatized, then it will be over for this country. Many people would count on their post office because they are in rural areas would be deemed to be on a route that is unprofitable and be cut off.

I do know I need to cut down my screen time. I have done better this week, but it is still an uncomfortable number for me. I don’t count writing in this or anything else I write.

I am frustrated a bit both with myself and my situation. Some of it is of my own making and some of it is due to current circumstances. 

I hate hiccups. 

Caroline has a meet up with friends at safe social distance this afternoon. She is looking forward to it.

This gives me some time in the afternoon that I can spread out a bit. 

The cats are enjoying the morning. Some are at the window watching the birds and others are lounging in various sunbeams. All look happy. 

I am contemplating making an herb box on the back porch. I miss fresh herbs to cook with.

I will say that in our walks around the village we are very impressed with a number of front yards that have been total redone during the quarantine. I think a lot of people took that project they have been avoiding for years. Dead wood is being trimmed. Flowers are being planted. Bushes are being shaped or chopped back from the sidewalk. I want to plant some bee friendly plants in the way back of the property.

I think I am done with the brain dump.

I would like to remind everyone to tell those you care about that you love them. You never know when you won’t be able to tell them. And it hurts wondering if they knew how you felt after you can no longer tell them.

I am grateful for my loved ones.


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