No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

OH! That’s What I Forgot

Posted By on June 5, 2020

Day 10 of the Reopening Epic aka June 5, 2020 aka Friday.

I have been having some neck pain to the point that moving it could be very interesting. Last night I discovered what I had not been doing since the last time I visited the gym in March. It was so simple. I have not been stretching.

When I go to the gym, stretching is part of my routine. I have not been going to gym and, therefore, not stretching. I have been under a lot of pressure and my body reacted by tensing up.

I hadn’t realized this until I rolled my neck carefully last night and pushed past the pain. Then there was blessed relief. For the first time in weeks I was not scared of moving my neck.

Today I plan to go through what I can of my stretching routine. I think I can do most of it. I am hoping that will help my body sort itself out.

All I know is that my neck feels normal again and I can look up at the ceiling again 

Today it looks grey outside. There will be rain later and there was a lot of rain and a thunderstorm last night/this morning.

I have my list of things to be done and plan get cracking on it. 

I feel that I am in neutral and I need to push it to drive rather than reverse. 

I did feel a lot of love yesterday from my friends. I got a card from my friend Helen just checking in with me. My friend DeLano sent me some of his amazing baked goods. My friend Laura informed me that I was cast in the role I wanted in a table read of a short story of hers. Caroline got to see a friend of hers at a proper social distance and they got to talk and just be not around family for a bit.

It was a good day. 

I am grateful for a neck that works.


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