No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Day 9 of the Reopening Saga

Posted By on June 4, 2020

Thursday June 4, 2020

I have my list of what needs to be done today. This is errand day. I plan to make a run outside the house to get things we need. 

I did get my puppet costumed. The rods are the last thing I need to put on it and he is done. I am very proud of the hat.

Things did get done yesterday but not at the pace of the day before. 

I am trying not to beat myself up about because I did get things done. In my head I am stuck on ‘it’s never enough’. 

Peter and I watched Space Force. My opinion was it was OK with some strong performances by some excellent actors. I didn’t like anyone until the third episode. I found the whole scenario, that they billed as comedy, rather sad. I think the saddest thing is that I could see this happening.

We are halfway through “The Great” on Hulu and it is engaging with strong performances across the board. We do have a sympathetic character in Catherine who has to grow up really fast in the Russian court. Not for the faint of heart especially if you are squeamish about language and sex acts. 

Right now, the cats are enjoying the sunshine and the breeze in the open windows. I have a couple of things to do before I leave the house. Caroline is working on her homework. Peter is writing. Peaceful. No lawn mowers or trimmers or leaf blowers are going so we can hear the birds chirping and the squirrels barking. A pleasant day indeed.

I am grateful for mornings like this.


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