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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check -in: June 1st, 202

Posted By on June 1, 2020

Day Six of the Reopening Saga

Yesterday was a good day for getting things done. 

I removed a bush from behind our air conditioning unit that had started wrapping around the unit. I installed the new garden hose. I cleaned all the cat boxes. Got all the trash to the curb. Made Chicken Supremes for dinner. Cleaned up the kitchen. Talked to my family via our weekly Zoom chat. Wrote 2000 words. Picked up the living room and put stuff back where it needs to go. Went on a walk with Caroline. 

All in all, that’s a good day for me.

I am hoping for another day like that today, but I am not holding my breath.

Mentally right now I feel even, which is just fine with me. I can get more done when I am even. I don’t feel overwhelmed by everything. A step up from last week’s feelings. I feel like I can get things done. I can plan and execute my plan.

I am putting part of this positive outlook on the weather. It is the kind of weather that I love and feel most comfortable in. It is amazing how much the weather can influence how one feels.

I am hoping that this trend continues. 

I am grateful for the weather.


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