No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday The Next Generation

| June 30, 2020

Day 35 of the Reopening Epic In a year Caroline will be getting ready to go to college. We decided that in that year I would teach Caroline various life skills that she can use like cooking. She wants to be able to create clothing for her along with costumes so I can pass that […]

Monday Mental Health Check in Day 34 of the Reopening Epic

| June 29, 2020

I woke up as the sun started to rise this morning. I know my body well enough to know that I was not going back to sleep. I got up and started my day. My signal to noise ratio this past week was not great. Signal-to-noise ratio is a measure used in science and engineering […]

RTBCKI Document 22

| June 28, 2020

Day 33 of the Reopening Epic or Sunday June 28, 2020 We are almost to July. Hard to believe since it feels like we just stared June. Most of yesterday was cleaning up from cleaning up so I can start the next part of the cleaning project. I am trying to keep things organized after […]

Day 32 of the Reopening Epic

| June 27, 2020

Heard last night on the news that Phase Four does not include gyms and malls. Caroline and I are not happy. There are no real answers as to when. I have my plan of attack for the day. Now to execute it. I thought it was Thursday until I looked at the calendar this morning. […]

I believe: Part One

| June 26, 2020

Day 31 of the Reopening Epic aka Friday I have over time tried to keep politics to a minimum here. The few times I expressed my feelings about a matter that was touchy, I put it under a cut giving people the option to opt out. That stops today. I have been thinking about what […]