No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Last Day of May 2020

Posted By on May 31, 2020

Sunday May 31, 2020 aka Day Five of the Reopening Epic

Hard to believe that we are almost halfway through 2020. It has been short and long all at the same time. And the hits keep coming. Who knew when the year started this would be such a dumpster fire of a year?

The weather outside my door is pretty much my perfect weather in terms of temperature and humidity. Have no idea about the pollen count. It is the kind of day that energizes me to do more. 

Today is a clean up day. I have to get paper out of the house and ready for Wednesday. I want to get things where they need to be for the next room we are cleaning and I need to get rid of a bush that has grown in front of the outdoor tap. 

I am trying to keep a good frame of mind about all this. I waver between being fine and panicking about a million different things. 

Caroline and I have applied for artist alley at AnimeNYC. Have no idea if we are getting in but we thought we should give it a shot. This gives us a goal and some motivation to work on various projects. I have also put in for Peter at NYCC and waiting to see the judgement on that. It could be that both get postponed until 2021 or are under new safety measures. Still planning to be at DragonCon.

Creating things to look forward to helps. We are still in the dark unknown but there are shafts of light starting to break through.

I think we have to find things to look forward to. Wallowing in what is going on right around me is not going to help right now. 

I worry about my friends for many reasons. I worry about my family. I worry about my pets. I worry about things I have no control over and I know I know better but it is still there. I worry about my country and the world. It is a lot of worry. 

At some point I have to work on not worrying so I am not paralyzed by my worry.

Right now that is hard.

So I will take a beautiful day and the energy of such a day to get things done that need to be done.

I am grateful for mornings like this.


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