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Kathleen David's weblog

Nineteenth Wedding Anniversary

Posted By on May 26, 2020

Nineteen years ago today Peter and I stood in front of our family and friends and pledged ourselves to each other.

It has been a wild ride so far and will continue to be so just because of who we are.

In good times and bad, we have been there with each other with support and encouragement. I know I have someone who has my back no matter what. 

We know each other very well. I can order for him off a menu and get him something he likes to each. We know what fandoms we like and what kind of things we are interested in.

We care for each other very deeply. He knows when I want advice and when I want to vent. We can tell when the other one needs support and we give it. We are a team.

We help each other to be better. I would not be making the puppets I am making now without Peter cheering me on. I am his sounding board for working through ideas for stories. 

We made Caroline.

We take care of each other. I make sure that he takes his medications and stays hydrated. He makes sure that I don’t ignore my body. We encourage each other to practice a healthy lifestyle.

We are partners in all things.

We love each other very much. I love him every day a little more which seems impossible because I love him so much but there it is.

Happy Anniversary Peter. I love you to the moon and back.

I am grateful that I married Peter David.


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