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Kathleen David's weblog

Day 68 of the Homebound Saga I wanna go back to bed

Posted By on May 22, 2020

So far this morning I have had to deal with plumbing, cat barf, and my coffee pot malfunctioning.

Thus, I want a do over on the morning.

The cats are enjoying the open windows. For the first time Phoebe has joined the group for the first time. She avoided the open windows, but I think Mewlan convinced her it will be OK. She is watching the birds with great fascination. 

I have a lot to clean this morning and I don’t wanna but I will be an adult and do it.

Come to think about there is a lot I don’t wanna do today. 

I don’t want to think about all that is going on around me. 

I don’t want to think about everything that is worrying me.

I just want to turn off my brain and live in the moment.

But that is not how it works for me. 

My brain is always going at a rapid pace. Getting it to slow down can be a real pain.

I think I am going to have to give meditation another try. I haven’t been able to do it since this whole thing started. I have to give myself permission to take the time to do so. It will be hard to start but, if I can get it rolling again, if I can then I think I will be in a better place.

Off to be an adult before I can play with my inner child.

I am grateful for things that do calm my brain.


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