No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Day 63 of the Homebound

Posted By on May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020 Sunday

We are in the third month of quarantine now.

Getting ourselves back up to speed again is going to take a while and a lot of patience or we are going to end up with more patients. 

Up here we have been informed that the government is working to opening the beaches on Memorial Day. Other businesses that can prove they have all the systems in place to make sure people are safe to work there.

There is a little light at the end of the tunnel, however it has to be approached carefully.

The weather is beautiful today. Blue sky with puffy and wispy clouds, a light breeze, and a good temperature.

Yesterday I watched all kinds of entertainment that Jim Henson produced. Both versions of the Storyteller are on Amazon Prime. I have no idea why it took me so long to realize that Michael Gambon is the Greek Storyteller.

The Muppet Guys Talking was a lot of fun and informative as they told us about Jim and their experiences with Jim. There was a hiccup that I expected would happen. The viewers overloaded the system, so they had set up a way for more people to watch very quickly and it was worth the wait. I felt so much better after seeing it and also being part of a group of people who love Jim Henson to this day. 

Caroline finished her first AP test and managed to not have the problems apparently about 5% of the test takers were having and got her test in to the system without problems. The next one is tomorrow and the third is Wednesday. She is taking a break right now to reset her brain. She watched the final season of She-Ra and the Henson stuff I was watching.

Heard around the house this morning, “That was not a Boss Battle. It was barely a Minion Mash-up.” Yes, we talk like this.

I know I am very lucky that I have a husband who speaks my language. He understands there are times I just need to vent without solutions given and other times I am actively looking for how to do something. Also, we never run out of things to talk about as we have so much in common and so much in our experience, we can teach our spouse. 

I am proud of myself for fixing two toilets and a sink clog yesterday. I had to replace the flap and a couple of other rusted pieces in one toilet. I, finally, unclogged the toilet we use the most in this household after a week-long battle with it. We had the cesspool drained that was almost to the danger point of flooding back into the house. I thought it was a little soon to do it but my instinct was that it was full. I was right. I figured out that being home for two months put additional strain on the system as we were using it more than we would have been if things were normal. I don’t normally shower at home but at the gym. The number of times we flush the toilet is up. Dishwasher is being used more as we use more pots and pans and dishes over all. 

Today I will tackle a few other things that need to be repaired within the house and then go outside to enjoy the day.

I am grateful for plumbing that works properly. Those indoor water closets are amazing.


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