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Kathleen David's weblog

I am going to say…Friday?

Posted By on May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020 Day 61 of the Homebound Saga

It was one of those mornings that it took a bit to figure out what day it was.

Everyone think good thoughts for Caroline as she is taking the first of her three AP tests today, AP US History. She has studied hard and I think she will do well. The test starts at 2:45 EDST.

I managed to sleep on my right arm with it under me and I awoke to a dead arm then the pins and needles as it woke up. That finished waking me up.

I am on my second cup of coffee so this is random thoughts on caffeine. 

And my brain is all over the place right now. I am going from thinking about a short story to making a list of things to do to sorting out a puppet in my head to trying to figure out when we are going for a walk since it is raining off and on. And now my brain just gave me a new idea for a short story.

I had a really weird dream last night. Peter was playing the character of a Doctor in some gothic romance play with Tom Hiddleston in the lead. We were in Canada to clean the play up. Most of it took place backstage and in the Green Room. There was a fundamentalist religious couple who was trying to convince Peter to become part of their faith and that went as well as expected. I also kept finding Caroline’s socks all over the place. I have no idea what any of this means but it was a trip.

I over worked my back, so I am where I was a couple of days ago. I know I was stupid, and I should know better by now.  Today I am going to be good and baby the back. I was getting back to normal and then I did what I knew I should not do.

It is frustrating.

The cats were not going to let me out of the kitchen this morning until they got fed. They tried to trip me as I was leaving the kitchen as I feed Humans before Cats. Now they are settling into their morning nap places. 

I thinking that writing is my best plan for the day.

I am grateful for toilets that flush properly.


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