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Kathleen David's weblog

Slow start to Wednesday May 13, 2020

Posted By on May 13, 2020

Day 59 of the Homebound Saga 

I woke up at 5:47 am and thought about getting up because I felt awake. Then Phoebe curled up on me and the purring lulled me back to sleep until 9:47, which is late for me since I usual get up about 7.

This, of course, sets my schedule behind so now I have to figure how to catch up especial since tonight is Julius Cesar: Beware the Ides of March of the Penguins at 7ish and I have a few things I want to do beforehand. See yesterday’s entry for all the info.

I have to start with finally waking up since I have had my allotted coffee for the day and my head still feels muzzy. 

Then it is puppet repair and getting ready for the event including one other set of simple puppets and the rig for them for the show.

It is a creative day for me, so I am hoping that kicks in soon.

I am grateful for creative challenges.


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