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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Julius Cesar: Beware the Ides of March of the Penguins

Posted By on May 12, 2020

Day 58 of the Homebound Saga aka May 12, 2020

This Wednesday at 7:00 pm I am making my debut as a member of the Social Distancing Players as we perform Julius Cesar: Beware the Ides of March of the Penguins.

Let’s take this back a bit as to how I got to joining the group.

A couple of years ago we went to the New York Renaissance up in Tuxedo New York. There was a playboard for Shakespeare approves in front of one of the venues. Among their offerings was Macbeth: Death by Fluffy Kittens which we all agreed we needed to see. Peter was in his Tim the Enchanter outfit and was picked to be one of the three witches in this very audience participatory romp through the Scottish Play. Afterwards we got to talking to Shakespeare and introduced ourselves. Shakespeare is a fan of the works of Peter David.

Flash forward to last September and we saw The Tempest: A three hour tour A three hour tour. Afterwards we caught up with Shakespeare and chatted about this, that and the other.

(For the VI: This is Shakespeare and my Aziraphale puppet. Shakespeare is on the left looking like a classic Shakespeare with a red shirt and a dark red and brown doublet with a pewter pin on his left lapel. He is pointing at Aziraphale who has blond hair, a cream colored coat, blue shirt, plaid bow tie, and light brown vest.)

Our next encounter was at Farpoint with Shakespeare in his civvies and we got to spend some time with him and his lovely wife getting to know each other outside the Ren Faire.

With COVID-19 and all the cancellations of so many events, Shakespeare decided to try something new to him and present his plays on-line for everyone’s amusement.

I got involved in the current production because I have puppets and we are using a puppet for Octavius. I am taking a puppet I used for another show and putting a toga and laurels on the puppet.

It is a rare chance to see me perform.

They are running an Indigogo campaign to play the players which can be found here

The production will be streaming on Facebook and you can find the information here.

It will also be on Youtube on Shakespeare approved channel. More information here

Come on by and have some silly fun watching Julius Cesar: Beware the Ides of March of the Penguins tomorrow.

I am grateful for opportunities like this.


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