RTBCKI The virus can now official drink edition
Posted By Kathleen David on April 5, 2020
Aka Day 21 of the Homebound Saga
It has been 21 days since we were told to stay away from each other and disinfect everything and the kitchen sink. In my mind since the virus moves so fast each day is a year to it so the virus is 21 and could have a drink if any bars were still open.
Yes, I know my mind is a strange place. I live with it.
I do wonder if drinking alcohol will be down after things open up again. I know, as a social drinker, I am drinking a lot less. We have alcohol in the house. It is mostly liquor and wine to cook with. I don’t drink at home for the most part. Neither Peter nor Caroline drink so I am the lone consumer of alcohol at this address.
I did my puppet demo yesterday. I think it went well. I got some good questions and I hope I educated people about puppetry which was my goal. Peter’s reading went over well too.
Now for the clean-up from all the stuff I pulled out. Then Caroline and I will be working on a couple of projects both cleaning and creative.
Caroline has made a schedule for her schooling for the next week and is sticking to it. I am so proud of her organizational skills.
Restoring order to the house gives me a sense of accomplishment and control. More so than any time before.
I also want to finish the demo puppets done and in my online store.
We still have no idea when we will be able to appear in public without face covering and gloves. Each day that happening it seems like the reopening is further away. It is frustrating not being able to make plans even for a month from now and know absolutely that I can do that.
I am hoping for Shoreleave, GalaxyCon Raleigh, and SDCC going forward. I am thinking it is going to be more like DragonCon before we emerge. I have no idea if we can do our beach week this year. It is all up in the air until we have a better idea what is going on.
I think the biggest problem for me right now is that I can’t just go into the city and participate in my Art’s Salon or visit friends who come to the city from the other coast for a while. My social animal is not very happy right now. Video is OK but not the same.
I miss bowling as it was both our sport and our local social life. The rest of league has been cancelled and the summer leagues are in jeopardy.
Well onto the rest of the day which pretty much looks like yesterday and tomorrow.
Be safe and be well.
I am grateful for helpful distractions.
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