No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Ash Wednesday 2020

Posted By on February 26, 2020

It is the beginning of the season of Lent in the Catholic Church. The next 40 days are for prayer and reflection as we move to our holiest holiday Easter. This morning I went to mass at our local church and ashes were applied. 

Then the itching began and I tried to avoid wiping off the ashes on my forehead. I have no idea if I succeeded because I have not looked in a mirror. I am very self-conscious about my forehead today.

Tonight we have bowling and it will be pretty obvious who is observing Lent. There is a large Catholic population where we live both Hispanic and Polish with a lot of Irish mixed in. 

Caroline is off on an adventure with her robot team as they compete in Miami Ohio at the First Robotics competition. She is looking forward to it. She dyed her hair red last night which is a team tradition. She has all her team shirts and her team jacket. They have their mascot which is a Zebra. They are ready to go. She will be back very late on Sunday.

This gives me a couple of days of being an empty nester so I can adjust to the idea.

I am going to work on my artwork for the badge for Heliosphere and see if they like it. It will be my first badge artwork. I finally get to try out an idea I have had for a couple of years for more ways to have things to sell at conventions. 

I also plan the big clean up after the last set of puppets along with starting the next set. My goal is to have the DragonCon puppets done by June along with two I am going to give away at Shoreleave and the two I am making for me. But next is a commissioned piece I must get done before Passover.

I have some ideas for the furppets that I am going to try out and I really need to make a couple of new Phluzzies.

I am writing a short story for a new anthology and looking for other opportunities to write as well. And then there is the Captain Nemo novel that comes back to the forefront of my writing.

I am sure I will get some other wacky idea that will lead to other creative adventures.

But today is a day to reflect and get ready for the next forty days.

I am grateful for new ways to stretch my creativitiy.


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