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Kathleen David's weblog

Lovely Sunday. No Lawnmower sounds

Posted By on June 23, 2019

It is nice when you wake up to bird song rather than lawnmowers being used to quickly mow before it gets too hot to go outside.

But then this morning the temperature is lovely with a nice breeze to just add to the nice feeling of being outside.

I am writing this sitting on my back-porch at the picnic table the girls bought their father for Father’s Day oh so many years ago. It is made of metal and plastic so it has worn well over the years.

So right now I hear the breeze blowing through the leaves, the birds chirping, and some squirrels barking with the occasional car sound as they go down the street.

This sort of thing clears my mind. A moment to pause and just be in that moment. As thoughts come I shoo them away to leave me with the sounds of nature for a moment.

I grew up in cities or near cities but have an affinity for the sounds of nature. I like living where I can get away from the manmade noise of the world and just be in the sounds and feelings of nature. You can even do this in Manhattan if you go to the right part of Central Park.

I think greenery is important to mental health. Peaceful moments where all there is are sounds of nature and your own breathing. I tend to slow mine down and fit into the rhythm of what I hear around me.

A pause before getting the day going. Mine is going to start with clean up cat barf because I heard that lovely sound as I am typing this. Then onto the next thing and the next thing until day is done.

However for the moment I breathe in the air and listen to the sounds around me and let a sense of calm wash over me.

I am grateful for mornings like this.


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