No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Sunbeam Achieved

| June 27, 2019

It has been raining a lot in my area or gloomy cloudy days or dense fog. This morning the sun is shining and all three of our cats have found their individual sunny spots to lounge in. There has been some shifting as the sun starts to move across the room but they all seem […]

Cat Fud

| June 24, 2019

Imagine an umlaut over the u so it sounds like food. I feed the cats wet food once a day when I get up. Each had their favorite kind and turn up their noses at the other ones. When I come downstairs I am met with purrs and meows. If I do something before going […]

Lovely Sunday. No Lawnmower sounds

| June 23, 2019

It is nice when you wake up to bird song rather than lawnmowers being used to quickly mow before it gets too hot to go outside. But then this morning the temperature is lovely with a nice breeze to just add to the nice feeling of being outside. I am writing this sitting on my […]

First Day of Summer 2019

| June 22, 2019

And the wheel continues to turn. Today is probably the day that I am going to have to start the air conditioning unit that means a bunch of filter changes and system checks. I like that we got to almost July before I even contemplated turning it on. But it also makes me sad because […]

Requiescat in pace Angelo

| June 20, 2019

There are remembrances you just don’t want to write and this is one I have been dreading for a couple of years now. And honestly this is about the ninth draft of this entry.  How do you sum up the passing of one of your best friends on this planet? Well I could start with […]