No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

How Time Flies and Hops and Runs and…

Posted By on May 23, 2019

This Sunday will be our eighteenth wedding anniversary. Our marriage will be an adult.

I was thinking about all that had to happen for us to get married.

Not the preparations for the actually wedding but the things that had to happen in our lives to get us to the altar.

I do need to give my mother many thanks and a lot of praise for getting everything in order for the wedding. She took care of a majority of those things that need to be done to have a wedding. We sent out the invitations and did a few other things on our end but she did the lion’s share of the work.

If I hadn’t learned how to make a hand and rod puppet then I would not have made Phreqd (pronounced Fred) the Klingon.

If I hadn’t made Phreqd then I would not have met Peter at a convention. We think it was one of the last Atlanta Fantasy Fairs.

If I hadn’t met Peter at that convention, we would not have become friends.

If we hadn’t become friends, I wouldn’t have gone to SDCC the first time and met some other people who have been friends since.

If I hadn’t been the DragonCon Tech Director, I would not have been at DragonCon when Peter told me that he was getting a divorce.

If his ex hadn’t decided that she wanted to be his wife anymore then he would not have approached me at DragonCon.

If we hadn’t messages on the computer through the AOL chat feature, then we would not have fallen in love.

If we hadn’t fallen in love, I would not have made the huge leap and moved to New York twenty-one years ago.

If I hadn’t moved up to New York, we wouldn’t have seen where the relationship would go.

And it had gone some interesting places.

A lot of dominos needed to fall in place for me to be where I am today.

I am grateful that the dominos did line up the way they did.


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