No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy May Day 2019

Posted By on May 1, 2019

Tra la, it’s May, the lusty Month of May
That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray
Tra la, it’s here, that shocking time of year
When tons of wicked little thoughts merrily appear

– Lusty Month of May from Camelot

Happy Beltane to those who celebrate it.

Happy Labor Day or International Workers Day to those who celebrate it.

I had a grand total of five web log entries for the month of April. I plan to do better this month.

This Saturday, May 4th, is not only Star Wars Day but also free comic book day. We will be at Fourth World Comics in Smithtown New York this year.

We have things to do most weekends this month and not all of it are conventions. We are going to Cirque for Mother’s Day. I am taking Caroline to her first rock concert that she wants to go to. Peter has a lecture at a library about the importance reading.

I want to take the month of May to regroup and take stock of what I want to accomplish the rest of the year. Once I have that in a hand, I plan on drafting a plan and then executing it. Then see what pops up to change my plans because of an x factor I am not counting on. I do plan on being realistic about what needs to be done and what I would like to do.

I think that will be my theme for the month, “Be Realistic”. I need to get what I can do done without beating myself up over what I cannot do. I also need to get done what I can without distracting myself with that which gains me nothing. 

I am grateful for that which I can get done.


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