No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Almost the end of the 5th month of 2019

| May 29, 2019

Caroline went back to school after her last break before the end of her sophomore year. Having finished her AP tests, she is getting ready for her Regents tests in a number of her courses. She had about a month and then she has her summer before her. She is applying for jobs since she […]

Crafty Tuesday The Wind-Up

| May 28, 2019

I discovered that we are doing a lot of traveling this summer. In fact a little more than I expected to do. This means I have the month of June and two weeks in August to complete any puppets, costumes, and other things that I want to get done before DragonCon. That’s a little less […]

About Harlan on what would have been his 85th birthday

| May 27, 2019

If you had a time machine and could go back and tell a young me that down the road I would be able to call Harlan Ellison a member of my extended family, I would have probably laughed really hard and dismissed you out of hand. Harlan Ellison wrote a lot and I have read […]

It’s Our Porcelain Anniversary

| May 27, 2019

Apparently the 18thwedding anniversary gift suggestion is porcelain. So a really good coffee mug? Drink too much and pray to the porcelain gawd? At eighteen year in terms of human numbers is the year you become an adult in the eyes of the law. Your parents are no longer responsible for your legal shenanigans. These […]

Deconstruction of a Vow

| May 24, 2019

I, Kathleen take you, Peter to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. -Wedding vows that I said in front of my family and friends almost eighteen years ago. My […]