No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Last Saturday in February 2019

Posted By on February 23, 2019

So another month is coming to a close. Sure it is the shortest but still it went fast.

In this month I went to Farpoint and got to tell Wally Shawn how much his work over the years has meant to me. The puppet was a hit so that’s always nice.

I met Liliana and got to hold her a lot. She snuggled into me and slept feeling safe and warm. I felt a peace I had not felt in a long time.

Movies were seen. I liked the last chapter in the HTTYD series. I enjoyed the Lego movie. I though Alita Battle Angel was not a bad translation of the manga and it was a visual feast.

TV was watched both on the networks and on various streaming services. My one disappointment was that Supergirl has gone so dark like all the other CW DC shows with the exception of Legends of Tomorrow.

Cats have been petted and snuggled and taken care of.

Next month is shaping up to be very active. We have conventions and film screening to go to. Plus all the other things that make up our daily lives.

I need to make some me time. I have been doing an hour of creative for the most part but want to make it more of a priority.

There are days that I am such a Mom.

I am grateful for my instincts.


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