No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Slippery but that’s about it. Could have been much worse

Posted By on February 13, 2019

Yesterday’s storm dumped snow to ice to rain. Biggest problem was traction. When driving you had to be hyper alert to what your car was doing and how to break safely.

The school did do an early dismissal because of the roads.

Caroline had an orthodontist appointment that Peter drove her to using only main roads rather than the faster back route that takes you down smaller less used roads.

Today the sun is out and the roads are damp but not icy. By this afternoon I think that all the snow will be gone except those areas that have no direct sunlight.

Back to normal until the next storm, which is currently rain not snow.

If we get through February without one heck of a snowstorm, I will buy one lottery ticket because we always seem to have one of our larger storms in this month.

This week feels a little like a pause because we are between Farpoint and Caroline’s winter break. Usually one directly follows the other because of President’s Day but not this year.

I am cleaning up from the previous trip and getting ready for the next one.

I am grateful for decent weather for the winter.


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