No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

First Day of the Second Month of 2019

Posted By on February 1, 2019

First I want to wish Bill Mumy a very Happy Birthday. You might know Bill from his work as a child actor in various TV shows or from his work on Babylon Five or even the Barnes and Barnes song “Fish Heads”. He has a varied career. He is also a friend of the family. He and Peter created Space Cases together. He is one of the good ones. If you get a chance to meet him, take it.

It is still fricking cold here. Not as bad as my friends in the Midwest, but still this is a little on the absurd side. Our little furnace is trying its hardest to keep us warm but the wind and the cold is not making it easy. I took Caroline to school today because it was too cold for her to stand around on the bus stop.

The Superb Owl is Sunday. Rams vs. Patriots. I have no dog in the hunt except that the game is being played in Atlanta and I am hoping it goes smoothly for all the people there. We have our dinner worked out for that evening. No wings this year because I am not eating fried food.

The cats had another round of kitty politics that seems to have settled out since they are in a pile sleeping together for warmth.

Back to my to do list.

I am grateful for opportunities to show my work to a larger audience.


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