No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Morning Musings Back to Normal

Posted By on January 28, 2019

Or what passes for Normal here.

Two weeks until Farpoint. Yikes.

Today I am declaring Organizational Monday for me.

I need to just spend the day finding things that need to be found before Farpoint.

I also need to find my kitchen counter, which has vanished under stuff again. I just need to put the stuff away properly.

Same for the sewing table.

Apparently the elves and fairies who magically clean things are on strike.

Also want to get to the cat boxes before the next rain/snow line.

I looked at the long term forecast and we might be getting a repeat of Snow Jam at Farpoint. The weather is looking rather iffy.

The new reduce your footprint/clean your house/Finnish (Dutch?) death rituals craze is really interesting to watch. That people get up in arms because one organizer said you should have only 30 books in you possession. Later it has been found that she might have said that but it was taken out of context and she repeatedly said do what you are comfortable with. Apparently thrift shops are getting a lot of product from this and some have even stopped taking in new material because they have so much.

I knew we were heading for minimalism because it was time for that part of the cycle. Anyone remember the Feng Shui craze American style a number of years ago?

We want to be organized. Some even want to have homes that look like Martha Stewart’s photos of the organized home. The push for the un-cluttering of space in hopes of un-cluttering the mind. It does work to a point.

And it is good to have goals.

Mess can paralyze one’s mind. Too big a mess and it can be hard to figure out how to clean it up. Or even where to start.

And that’s where the tips and tricks of a good organizer can help. Getting the project started. But sticking strictly to the rules when you feel uncomfortable with what you are doing? Not for me.

I am grateful for organized spaces and things/ideas that help with that.


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