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Kathleen David's weblog

Thoughtful Thursday At least it is above freezing

Posted By on January 24, 2019

In fact it is 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside making inside the house much more comfortable. I will take it over 5 degrees Fahrenheit any day.

The sky is overcast and there is rain off and on. Wind is rather severe. I have seen a couple of trash cans rolling in the street.

I have that darn list that needs to be attended to. I think first is going to be my puppet issue to make sure I don’t have to go online for my solution. Might count as my hour of creativity for the day which I have been keeping up with.

Much later in the day.

I feel Ok about today. I got things done. I have more to do this evening.

The weather really stunk today. The wind and rain made travel difficult.

Tomorrow is another list and set of things that must be done.

Life moves forward.

I am grateful that Caroline finally got her toe dealt with.


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